Chef Rob's Cafe and Bar - Influencer Event

Chef Rob's Cafe and Bar
5920 Roswell Rd #117, Atlanta, GA

What you will receive

Creators (and a +1) are invited to join us at Chef Rob's Cafe & Bar for an exclusive Wise Influencer Mixer experience! Savor Carribean food and drinks while networking with other influencers in Atlanta. Your content will be highlighted on Wise's Instagram pages and newsletter, giving you exposure to a wider audience and potential collaborations. It's not just an event, it's an opportunity to grow, connect, and have a blast! You'll enjoy food and drinks in exchange for a Reel shoutout on Instagram!


Capture the night filled with delicious food alongside other influencers from the Wise platform! We would like each creator to create a video, but you have full creative control of the content you want to focus on.Some examples could be showcasing shots of the food, recording engaging conversations, filming the vibrant atmosphere, and capturing the essence of the event candidly and authentically.

Approved influencers will schedule for Wednesday, August 28 at 6:30 pm EST.

Visuals & Theme

Light and airy - have fun!


We want you to be true to your brand/page but would like for you to comment on your experience at Chef Rob's Cafe and Bar

Hashtags & mentions

Please mention and add @chefrobscafe as a collaborator | #hosted #chefrobscafe


FoodBarInfluencer Event
Featured Campaign


More about brand

Target followers

At least 2,500 followers


From 21 to 45 Years old

Instagram content


Chef Rob's Cafe and Bar - Influencer Event

Chef Rob's Cafe and Bar | 5920 Roswell Rd #117, Atlanta, GA